Timber Purchasing & Processing Policy

Woodscape Timber Purchasing Policy

Woodscape Ltd is committed to protecting the environment through the implementation and maintenance of its Timber Purchasing and Processing Policy, as laid out below.

Woodscape will only purchase timber that has been harvested in compliance with the country of origin’s laws and regulations.

The company will not source any timber from:

  • Species prohibited under Appendix I and II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITIES).
  • Illegally harvested or genetically modified trees, or uncertified high conservation value old growth forests. The company actively promote the use of timber which comes from certified sources to customers and suppliers.

When purchasing timber from certified sources, the company will only purchase from suppliers who are registered to a recognised scheme which is independently assessed by an accredited third party.

The company shall maintain registration to The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain of Custody (CoC) scheme and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) scheme and ensure the requirements of the schemes are fully implemented within the company’s management systems.

The company will ensure information provided to interested parties relating to the source of timber used in the manufacture of street furniture and timber structures is accurate and not misleading.

The company will ensure that all employees associated with Timber Purchasing and Processing Policy are given the appropriate education and training in the Chain of Custody scheme requirements.

We will maintain timber off-cuts and wastage to a minimum during the cutting and manufacture of street furniture and timber structures.

The Timber Purchasing and Processing Policy is reviewed by the Directors of the company on an annual basis.

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