FSC Certification

Woodscape Timber Purchasing Policy

FSC certification is internationally recognised as the benchmark for responsible forestry with certification meaning that the forest of origin of FSC timber has been independently inspected and evaluated according to strict principles and criteria as agreed by the Forest Stewardship Council.

FSC is a single global label on all timber and forest products which ensures equivalently high responsible forest management standards for all forest types worldwide. Well-managed forests provide a wide range of social and economic benefits and environmental services, such as livelihoods for people and habitats f or animals and plants. FSC standards ensure that these benefits and services are realised.

The FSC trademark makes it possible to choose timber with the confidence that you are not contributing to the destruction of the world‘s forests. By buying from certified sources, with chain of custody certification, an incentive is provided through market forces for good forestry practice.

Using FSC timber helps to achieve excellent ratings under both BreeaM and ecohomes schemes.

The Government‘s Central Point of expertise on timber Procurement (CPET) has stated that FSC timber meets its criteria for both legality and sustainability, of vital importance in public sector contracts.

FSC Chain of Custody certification

Companies that hold FSC Chain of Custody Certification have their own FSC licence number and are able to label products and pass on the FSC claim to their customers. There is a substantive difference between simply purchasing FSC timber, compared to being able to maintain Chain Of Custody throughout manufacture and supply.

If your street furniture manufacturer is purchasing FSC timber but does NOT hold their own FSC Chain of Custody Certification, the supplied product is NOT FSC Certified.

Woodscape is an FSC® certified supplier, licence code C022521, certificate number INT-COC-002039.

Check your supplier has a valid FSC Certificate at info.fsc.org

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